Free Keyword Position Checker

Forget about the manual keyword position checking and use our free keyword position checker tool. Just enter the keyword below, our tool will show where does your keyword ranks.

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



What is a Keyword Position Checker? 

A keyword Position checker is a tool that analyzes a keyword's rank on the search engine. In general, most of the keyword rank checker shows results from Google only. There are a few tools including ours that show results from other search engines like Bing and Yahoo. In other words, the tool analyses the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) of your certain page URLs and projects a result of the present ranking of the keyword.

SEO Tools Book Keyword checker tool helps you detect the position of your keyword so that you can take further action to rank it better. Previously, SEO experts and website owners used to check the ranks manually. And that was the very irritating cause, you never know how many pages need to be checked until you get yours. But now with a keyword rank checker, you can easily obtain your keyword’s rank.

Why Keyword Position Checker is Important?

Everyone is trying to get their keyword ranked. But ranking on the top requires extensive knowledge of the competitors and your keyword. To learn your keyword’s present position, you need the keyword rank checker. On the other hand, you also need the keyword position checker to analyze your competitor’s keyword ranks. Thus, this too is a very important tool that webmasters and SEO professionals need. Without this, you will be wasting a lot of time and we hope you don’t want that. So, use the SEO Tools Book keyword position checker and save your precious time for other work.  

How Does Our Keyword Rank Checker Analyses the SERPs? 

The action looks very simple for the SEO specialists and webmasters while in the backend it has a complex mechanism. For a website, page rankings are not stable because there is competition. Google places your keyword in a certain position depending on your content quality and backlinks. If your domain is completely new, your keyword dances up and down more often. When you publish new content, Google picks keywords from the content and places them in a certain position depending on the content quality. And it remains that way until your competitor makes any changes.

So, our keyword position checker considers all these things and scans through the Google and Yahoo search results with the keyword you have entered. Eventually, it shows you the international rank of your page according to the given keyword. The results of each entry can change according to the search engines’ positioning.

How To Use Our Keyword Position Checker Tool? 

It is a very simple tool with a simple process. Follow the below steps to run an audit for your keyword:

  1. Enter your or your competitor’s domain name or the URL of the page.
  2. Now enter the keyword that you want to check. You can use multiple keywords for a single website or page in each session. But you must enter the keyword in separate lines.
  3. Select up to how many positions you want to check for your keyword. The default is 50, and it means the tool will check if your keyword is ranking on the top 50 results or not.
  4. Now hit the “Find Keyword Position” button and it will show the result.

With the results, now you will have a better idea of ​your or your competitor’s keyword position and it will help you achieve your own goal.