Free Class C IP Checker

Check your domain’s Class C IP with SEO Tools Book Class C IP checker tool for free. You can enter up to 40 domains and check the IP at a time.

Enter up to 40 Domains (Each Domain must be on separate line)

About Our Class C IP Checker 

SEO Tools Book class C IP checker is a very useful tool for website owners. It helps you detect the duplicate IP address within the Class C IP cluster. Besides it indirectly helps you find if any other domains are sharing the same class C IP address of your domain. Moreover, you can also find out if you are sharing the IP with any other spamming sites.

When you check the class C IP with our tool, you get the IP address and the class C IP address. The only difference between our Domain Into IP tool and the Class C IP address tool is the IP type and Geolocation. With the domain IP tool, you get the unique IP address, Geolocation and ISP provider, while with the Class C IP tool you get the IP address and the Class C IP address.  

What is a Class C IP Address?

For better understanding, you must know the types of IP addresses. But we won’t talk about all of them. To make you understand we will give you some idea of what is Class C IP address is. 
Know that IP addresses are classified into 5 categories. We make the categories according to their numbering in each of their four numbers. The IP classes are as follows:

  • Class A
  • Class B
  • Class C
  • Class D 
  • Class E

In the case of class C, it refers to those addresses whose first number is between 192 and 223. It is also important to differentiate in the definition that a class C IP address is the most common IP assigned to small organizations or websites. Thus, we can define that it is a very common IP address. Therefore, you need to understand when someone tells you that they are going to assign you a class C IP address, is a very common one. 

To make it easier for you, your local internet service providers most likely provide you with a Class C IP address. These service providers purchase a lot of class C IP addresses. And when they give a connection to you, they use a dynamic IP address. Alternatively, we can call it a Class C IP Address. Dedicated IPs are expensive than dynamic because in most cases many people share one Class C IP. In the same way, this system is also available in the domain and hosting services. 

Why Should Use Class C IP Checker?

It is important to use our class C IP checker for obvious reasons. But the most important reason is to learn if you are sharing the IP address with someone else or not. When you get a domain or a hosting service, hosting providers assign you a shared IP. But that is fine until you are sharing the IP with another harmful domain. 
Checking Class C IP is more important when you want to have a better SEO score on Google or other search engines. Besides, when you want to use Google AdSense, you also need to know the C IP. But why? When Google blacklist a domain, it does not only blacklist the domain name, it also blacklists the IP address. On the other hand, it is not possible for hosting service providers to keep track of this despite having the best firewalls. Therefore, it is your responsibility to check your site’s status. Use our Class C IP checker and find out harmful things attached to your domain and hosting.