Color Picker Tool

Select colors and get CSS color with SEO Tools Book color picker tool easily for free and turn your design into unique art.

CSS Color

About Color Picker Tool 

SEO Tools Book color picker tool is the easiest and most advanced color picker on the internet. We have developed this tool to help web designers and developers. Moreover, anyone can use this easy-to-use tool to get color code by selecting from different picking options. You can get several outputs including RGB, HEXA, HSL. And we hope this tool will fulfill all designers’ and web developers’ needs. 

There was a time when designers and developers often struggled to pick a proper color using the conventional method. By understanding the people’s pain points, SEO Tools Book took the initiative to build a comprehensive color picker. And here we are, with the color picker tool that every designer and developer need.  

What do You get on This Color Picker?

This free color picker tool provides everything that you need on a color converter, selector, or picker. We have developed this tool to be precise with multiple selection options and outputs.

  • Easy color selection tool provides you easy access to color palate. Besides you also get a color chart according to the color palate. Moreover, the color chart consists of four different color models for each of the HSV and HSL standards. 
  • On the HSV, four pigmenting options include Hue, Saturation, Value, and Alpha. On the other hand, the HSL model has Hue, Saturation, Lightness, and Alpha. 
  • Upon selection from the four-color pigment, this color picker will generate three web-based codes called CSS color. In particular, CSS colors consists of RGB, HSL, and HEXA. But if you want to convert RGB to HEX, you may use our RGB to Hex tool
  • Most interestingly, this tool has several color sample saving options. You can pick a color and keep it in a box so that you can compare it with another one in another box. This allows people to make a decision faster wiser because you see many picked colors in one place. 
  • It does not only allow you to select a color from its color palates, it also lets you upload certain images. By uploading images, you can also pick a color from that image. 

What is CSS Color?

Unlit now, we can only think of the color that we see with our eyes. But do you know that you can convert color into codes? Yes, it is possible because of the CSS color. CSS color refers to the data that represents a color. Simply put, when we convert the color into numbers and keywords or alpha-numeric code useable in CSS files, we call them CSS color. 

We all know that web-only understand binary and code languages. It does not understand the normal pigmenting process that the human eye can see. On the other hand, using color material is disappearing and the CSS color is taking its place. There are some reasons behind this—the web can properly understand the color with alpha-numeric syntax. Besides, designers and developers can change the color anytime by just changing the numbers and alphabet. So, CSS color actually future proof your color changes in web development. And here comes the color picker tool. It helps you convert the color into those CSS color codes